Tuesday 18 February 2014


How long does it take to set up this? If you are a skilled scout it would take about 5minutes.

What does the word bivouac mean? a temporary camp without tents or cover.

What direction should the bivouac be facing? It should be facing the wind.

My Questions?

Why do we need a bivouac? to keep you warm
what does a bivouac do? It keeps you shelter

How far away from the fire does the bivouac have to be? Be a good 1meter away from the fire.

Monday 17 February 2014

Brushing your teeth in space

 This is how you brush your teeth in space.

1. Get your tooth brush
2. Get your water bottle and squeeze out a little bit of water onto your brush.
3.Once you get the water on the brush get the toothpaste and put it on the brush.
4. Now that you have got your toothpaste on your toothbrush put it in your mouth and brush your teeth.
5.Once done brush you have to swallow the toothpaste because you cant get rid of the yucky stuff.
6.To clean your brush you must drink some of the water from the drink bottle and then put the toothbrush back in your mouth to rinse the brush

and thats how you brush your teeth in space.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Class book.

This is the time when they are flying over the lake and are about to crash.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentines day post.

What link does the google image take you to today: You go to make chocolate.

How is this topic linked to today’s date: To share love

Make a connection to today’s topic: Today is my Poppas birthday.

List 3 keywords which are related to today’s topic: Love, date and chocolate.

List 5 facts about today’s topic: 1.Its a day about love
2.Each year on the 14th of February
3. Its a day to get gifts for those you love
4.Dates back to the 5th century
5. Lots of flowers and cards are sold on this day.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Is this the biggest wave ever surfed?

Who? His name is  Andrew Cotton.
When? It was  On Sunday he surfed the wave
Where? It was in Portugal.
What? He thinks that he has surfed the biggest wave ever.
Why? After riding an enormous wave he thinks he has broken the world record.
I wonder if he did break it or not.
other people should have videoed him surfing the wave.
If this had been me, I would have fell over.

Here is the link to the website.
Is this the biggest wave ever surfed?

Monday 10 February 2014

How to be me on a school morning

1. First your dad will come into your room at 7:00am and tell you to get up.

2. Then after 5mins you finally get out of bed and get your uniform from out of the wardrobe.

3. After that you make the bed and clean your room a bit.

4. Then you slowly walk into the kitchen and get the coco pops and milk.

5. Now its time to take your pills, there is a 11 of them and you also have to put a drop of the eye drops into your bad eye then you also have to have your mouth drops you have 5drops of that YOU CANT FORGET TO TAKE THOSE!!!!!!.

6.  You have to brush your teeth now  and tie up your hair in a pony tail.

7. You then have to put everything in your bag like your lunch, laptop and P:E gear.

8.now you are ready to go to school you go to school with your mum because she works there.

9.In the car on the way to school you put on your sandals and you check your lunch that your mum or dad pack to see if its good.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Personality Test.

1. What type/s of animal were you? I was an 38% Otter.

2. Do you agree with this result? Say why/why not? I agree with these result because doing things the fun way

3. What are 3 strengths of your animal type? What is 1 weakness of your animal type? 3 of the strengths are enjoys changes, creative and fun loving. One of the weakness is that it talks a lot.

4. Predict which animal you think the other members of your family are, and do the same for 1 good friend.
Mum: My mum would be a lion.
   Dad:My dad would be a lion. 
   Jaimee: Jaimee would be a lion.
  Korban: Korban would be a lion.    
Megan: I think that Megan would be a Otter 

5. Do you think this is a useful survey for people to take? Say why/why not? I think that we don't need a survey to take o tell us what our personality is we know what it is with out taking a test.

6. Include a link to the survey in your post: Personality test

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Waitangi Day.


In the 1840's on the 6th of February. 40 Chiefs signed the treaty of Waitangi in the bay of Island. But in a few years over 500 more people signed the treaty.

The banner was getting carried because the maori's want everyone to honour the  tradition. Then in 1970 the protest increased because no one honoured the treaty.

Waitangi mean water tears, wai= water and tangi=tears

How to do a daily blog post.

When: Everyday 8:30 - 9:00

Why: To keep up our writing skills

 Where: On our personal blogs

What: Can be anything

 How: Tittle, correct SPG, finished by 9:00am and label.